113: Global Entrepreneurial Network's Entrepreneurship Week Talk: Investing in Yourself is the Best Investment You Can Make!

Nov 23, 2022

This podcast is a recording of a recent talk April gave on behalf of the Global Entrepreneurial Network.  Over 80,000 people from almost 200 countries had access to this...and now we're bringing it to you!

As people all around the world came together to celebrate the Global Entrepreneurship Week, April Marlewski-Hudzinski had the privilege of speaking to Entrepreneurs about what she believes is the BEST Investment one can make.  
As a professional investor, April has seen a deal or two come across her desk...and yet she truly believes investing in yourself is the most strategic and has the best ROI (return on investment).

Pull out paper and a pen and roll up your sleeves, this training on entrepreneurial investing is one you don't want to miss!

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